Normal service has been resumed - back to old style blogger
I hope you like the cushion I made from the printed fabric on last weeks post. thank you for all your comments
The product I used is called Miracle fabric sheets from C.Jenkins www.cjenkinscompany.com.
I have also been doing some knitting this week. I bought some Amy Butler Rowan wool and cotton yarn to start on a blanket from this Debbie Abrahams book.
All the squares are the same colour but different textures based on floor coverings - this is sisal. It is quite relaxing to knit.
I can never resist a craft magazine when I see a new one on the shelves- this 1935 magazine in RE yesterday was no exception. There are some great images inside which I might scan and turn into more cushions - look out.
Happy Quilting xx
The cushion is lovely.
Thank you for the name of the special sheet supplier
I love your cushion, i've been trying some fabric printing myself but hadn't heard of the miracle sheets so going to look them up. Thanks for sharing x
The cushion is fab...love that pink yarn too.
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